Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"What do you think this is, Candyland?"

Sometimes you just hear things that make you raise an eyebrow. Sure, maybe the context would help explain things, but sometimes it's just funnier to speculate. Here are a few of my favorite lines I've heard around the shop:

"Sometimes we're back here talking to each other, but sometimes we're talking to ourselves."

"I'm an ultra-endurance vegan."

"Yeah, who doesn't have a friend in intensive care?"

"Real men ride them big bikes. Now, where them big bikes at?"

"Nobody interviews the finance guy!"*

The new staff profiles are up. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to guess which staff member utttered each incriminating statement above. The winner gets... a sense of satisfaction. (Hey, this isn't trivia night at Wonderland -- I'm not handing out free Miller High Life.)

*Note: Okay, that last one would be easy if Mike, the finance guy, would let me interview him. But he's somewhat shy. You won't see his profile pic on the staff page, so that was kind of a tricky one.

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